Hypnosis Certification
NGH Approved Banyan Professional Hypnosis Training Program

Enjoy Award-Winning Hypnosis Certification Training!
Graduate from the Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® and get the skills you need to be successful:
- Go into private practice or work in a hypnosis center.
- Earn prestige and a high income.
- Too many benefits to list here.
Learn Hypnosis: Distance Training Through Our Video Course

Great Way to Learn without Traveling
Through Distance Learning Video Course
For those already certified and want to update your techniques. Learn these advanced hypnosis & hypnotic techniques that will make you more confident and effective, so that you and your clients are more successful!
- Study and Get Certification on Your Own Schedule, with Video Training!
Now you can get your hypnosis training and certification through a complete video course, including all the basics, and the advanced form of hypnosis called 5-PATH®. Learn more about the hypnosis training video course.
Hypnosis Certification Distance Learning Course

A complete hypnosis certification distance learning course. The only one available with 5-PATH® training and certification.
Testimonials & Feedbacks
Doing hypnosis is one of the most satisfying forms of psychotherapeutic work because success is rapid and our clients give us such positive feedback.
Selecting a Hypnosis School
Are you looking for training as a Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist? Here are some things to look for and some questions to ask those who want to be your trainer, instructor or school.