When Choosing A Hypnosis School Or Trainer, Consider These Points...
Are you looking for training as a Hypnotist? Here are some things to look for and some questions to ask those who want to be your trainer, instructor or school. High quality training is essential to the ongoing success and development of the profession and to the professionals that practice in the field of hypnosis and hypnotism.
Can the school or instructor substantiate claims made about the training?
Most people working in the field of hypnosis are good trustworthy individuals who have received adequate training and have the proper credentials to do hypnosis and conduct training. However, it makes sense to check them out. It's easy for individuals or schools to say they are "one of the largest" in the world. Call them and ask them to substantiate this. Call their certifying organization and ask if it is true.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center we have conducted over 30,000 hypnosis sessions since we opened in 1996. We attract up to 40 new clients per month at our center. We have been called "the best ever seen" by a representative of the National Guild of Hypnotists. All of our Hypnotists have degrees from a college or university, as well as holding a professional certification. This one of the best kinds of environments in which you can learn to do hypnosis. When you learn at Banyan Hypnosis Center For Training & Services, Inc. you learn from hypnotists who see real clients every week. This means you learn practical techniques that work. There is simply no better place to learn professional hypnosis.
How large are the classes?
Obviously, the larger the hypnosis training class is, the more difficult it is to maintain high standards of training. Ask how many students there are going to be in the class. You need to be able to ask questions and have them answered in an unhurried way during the course. Because of the nature of this work, and the intensity of the training, large classes may cause some students to be left behind. If classes have more than 16 students it may be necessary for the class to be broken down into smaller groups, or that there be more than one instructor.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center we keep our hypnosis training classes small so that we can make sure that each student is able to get individual attention so that the class meets his or her needs. We are even able to make small adjustment for each class so that special topics are covered that are of special interest to our students (i.e., hypnosis with children or more time on hypnosis for analgesia). Typically our class size is 12 to 14 students, but in no case will a class for our NGH Certification Course held at Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services exceed 16 students. Our international classes may be as large as 18 students because of our inability to conduct those classes as frequently as we do our hypnosis training classes at our Center. International classes have additional trainers (Certified Hypnotists) in the class to help run the classes and provide an excellent teacher to student ratio
See What A Class Looks Like At Our School...
Can I become a skilled and confident Hypnotist by going through an at-home video training course that some schools offer?
We regularly receive calls from individuals who were "trained" and certified in this manner. Universally these individuals complain that they do not feel confident in their skills after becoming certified in this manner. Many of them then choose to go through our training to make up for the lack of supervised practice in the video course. Nothing can replace being supervised by an expert in the field. Training in a live classroom environment which provides ample opportunity to practice skills under the supervision of the instructor is the most desirable condition in which to learn. A skilled instructor can easily point out problems in your application of a technique before it becomes a bad habit (which could spoil your success and reputation as a Hypnotist). Only a live instructor can answer your questions as they come up. Only a live instructor can tell you that you are using a technique properly which leads to feeling confident in your training.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center we make sure that you receive live supervision while practicing your techniques (minimum of 8 the 10 days of the course). This hands-on approach is one of the strongest aspects of our certification course. We encourage our students to watch videotapes as a way of reinforcing their training. However, we understand that there is no replacement for a real instructor helping you along as you learn how to use the hypnosis and hypnotic techniques necessary for success as a professional in this field.
How much supervised practice and skill-building time is given during the course?
Obviously a student is going to be able to refine her skills and build sufficient confidence to do the work, only if sufficient time is given in class to attempt and master the techniques covered in class. Ask, how much time is given during the courses for the development of these important skills, while being supervised by a certified and experienced Hypnotist? The number one cause of hypnosis failure to develop a successful practice is that he or she did not develop a sufficient level of confidence and competence during the training.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center our students practice the techniques they are learning nearly every day. Because of this, they graduate with confidence that they can competently use the skills that were taught during the course. Practice is done under the supervision of a highly skilled and experienced Hypnotist so that the skills that you develop are good ones. You are not left only to practice on your own at night, without supervision. It is our experience that this can lead to the development of bad habits that are difficult to unlearn, once the problem has been developed. Only perfect practice makes for perfect performance. Our certification course averages 10 to 14 hours of scheduled practice time, often much more.
Does the instructor still see clients?
Unfortunately there are too many individuals out there who only teach how to do hypnosis, and don't really do hypnosis themselves! They never really earned the right to teach you by spending time in the hypnotist's chair themselves. Some are entertainers and will be fun to watch but you won't really learn what you need to learn to be successful as a Hypnotist. Some are writers and can write book after book (mostly by doing research, meaning reading other people's books) but will not have practical experience that can make all the difference between success and failure when you see your clients.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center our instructor and guest speakers are professionals who see clients. They are real Hypnotists who use what they teach on real clients. They walk the walk and not just talk the talk! Calvin Banyan, MA, CI, BCH has conducted thousands of individual hypnosis sessions, and continues to do so. He also supervises several other Hypnotists at the Banyan Hypnosis Center For Training & Services, Inc. and is a consultant to Hypnotists from around the world.
Does the instructor hold a degree from a real university?
Professionals in the business know that at this time, no real university (with a building where students go to study) offer Bachelors, Masters or PhDs in Hypnosis. Don't be fooled by these suspect credentials. You would probably benefit from selecting an instructor who holds a degree in an associated medical, psychological, counseling or teaching field. And then be certified by a national certifying body such as The National Guild of Hypnotists. Note that there are no state colleges or universities (or equivalent educational facility) that offers any kind of degree in hypnosis. Individuals who hold "degrees" in hypnosis (BS, MS, Ph.D, etc.) are in the possession of degrees that are not recognized by academic institutions such as the University of Minnesota, etc. (or, UND, UCLA, etc.). In other words, those credits would not be transferable to colleges and universities which offer a Ph.D. recognized by the American Psychological Association and such professional organizations.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center our instructor and many guest speakers hold degrees from real universities if they claim to have such a credentials. And, Calvin Banyan (B.S. and M.A. in Psychology) is a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Is the school or trainer licensed to do adult education in their state or province?
It might not even be legal for the "school" or instructor to be providing adult education in the area where you are. States like California and Minnesota (just to name a few) require that the instructor or institution be licensed to provide hypnosis training.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center we have been fully licensed, insured and bonded to bring you our classes and courses as required by law.
Be careful of "schools" that ask you to buy materials before you even enter their courses.
Some instructors seem to teach for only one reason. They want to sell you their books, tapes and other materials, and they will require that you buy them before you even begin their program. Make sure that all the materials that you are required to buy are included in the cost of the tuition or are listed plainly so that you don't get any surprises. The National Guild of Hypnotists Certification Course does NOT require you to buy or read any books other than the materials that you receive when you take the course. The cost of these materials are included in our NGH course.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center all of your required materials are included in the cost of the courses. No additional purchases are required. In fact we include, at no extra charge, materials that go beyond those required by the NGH. We also offer additional books, tapes and training videos for those who wish to purchase them and continue to learn more, but are not required to do so.
We include the following materials in the course:
Level I - Student Manual, covering fundamentals of hypnosis, modern approaches to hypnosis, ethical concerns, waking suggestion, suggestibility testing, hypnosis scripts and more.
NGH Membership For One Year! After you complete the program you become a member of the world's oldest and largest hypnosis organization, which offers many more benefits than mentioned here.
The Secret Language of Feelings by Calvin Banyan, This book reveals what people have wanted to know about the human condition from the very beginning of time: What are feelings for? Within its pages, you will discover the secret language of feelings. In addition to helping you understand yourself, will provide you incredible insight into the motivation and actions of others, such as your family, friends and coworkers.
Level II - Advanced Hypnosis Manual: 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ This cutting edge manual is constantly updated with the latest techniques and procedures used at Banyan Hypnosis Center For Training & Services, Inc. It includes outlines or the important procedures, like Age Regression Work and Forgiveness Work. It is also filled with scripts and directions on how to write you own effective hypnosis suggestions and scripts.
Get On the Path and Program Yourself for Success, the manual that you will learn how to use when teaching the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Process to clients and students. It shows you how to use this unique mind-body-spirit approach to hypnosis.
Chevreul's Pendulum, used in class to demonstrate suggestibility and uncover unconscious material. Every hypnotist should have one.
BRING AN EMPTY SUITCASE! You will need the extra space to take everything that you get in this class back home with you. PLUS, to aid you in getting everything that you want for your business, there are discounts available during the course on just about every book and tape that you find on this web site and more!
Does the school offer ongoing support free of charge?
Any good school should offer you additional sources of information for ongoing professional development, such as books, video and audiotapes, advanced workshops, and even one-on-one consultation time with an experienced instructor. But do they offer fast answers through free online resources?
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center we provide you with all of the resources that you need for ongoing professional development, plus some extras!
FREE web page on our site! Any graduate of one of our hypnosis courses gets a free web page in our hypnotists directory! Wow! You can start getting clients in your area right away.
Easy ordering of books, tapes, videos, CDs, etc. online via our web site, email or by telephone.
Advanced Hypnosis Workshops provided throughout the year. An example would be one of our courses on how to do hypnosis for weight loss or addiction.
Join our FREE online groups where our Graduates from all across the USA and around the world can ask questions, share experiences and more. You will also have access through this group to hypnosis scripts and procedures that are updated as they are continually developed at Banyan Hypnosis Center For Training & Services, Inc.
FREE answers to questions over the telephone and email.We regularly answer our graduate's questions about hypnosis. This kind of support is free to our students because we find that most questions of this kind can be answered in just a few minutes. Knowing that when this kind of support is at hand greatly increases confidence and the speed in which you grow as a Hypnotist. Our success comes from your success!
Individual consultations with the instructor by telephone or at our office (same fee as hypnosis sessions).These extended consultations are designed to last over an hour. Such consultations are scheduled so you know you will have the instructor to yourself the entire time.
Discounts available on materials while you are attending class (on optional books, videos, CDs, etc).
Do graduates of the program receive certification by a nationally-recognized organization?
Anyone can start an organization and call it the "National" this-or-that. But hypnosis organizations have been coming and going for years. When you become part of an organization you want it to be the best. The organization that you belong to should have a strong membership and a long history. There should also be considerable ongoing benefits after you have joined.
At the Banyan Hypnosis Center our Hypnosis Certification training results in you becoming a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). We are proud members of the NGH ourselves. It is the world's oldest and largest hypnosis organization. It has been influential in shaping the field of hypnosis for over 50 years. The Guild is active with individual states and the national government, working to encourage the professional practice of hypnosis in all 50 states.
Members of the NGH receive many benefits including the best annual convention, professional journals, newsletters, ability to become insured, local chapters and much more. So, come to the best place to train, get certified...

We hope that you will call our office and talk to us about enrolling in one of our future courses.
Contact us and we can send you more information in the mail and answer your questions on the telephone. If you would like to talk to one of our graduates, click here and go to our directory of Hypnotists that have graduated from our school. We are sure that anyone of our former students would be pleased to talk to you about our course
Certification By The National Guild of Hypnotists Is A Great Career Move