Hypnosis Sessions in Dallas, Texas

"Happy Clients make ME Happy!"
Learn about my hypnosis in Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Forth Worth, Texas.
Celeste Hackett
National Guild of Hypnotists Certified Hypnotist
5-PATH® Certified Hypnotist
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Certified Teacher
It's my job to answer your questions so call me now at:
(972) 673-0110
If you live in Uptown, Park Cities, Lakewood, or the Downtown Business District click here: www.dallashypnosisuptown.com
Check out my website for Medical Hypnosis

Listen to a short message from Celeste Hackett about her hypnosis services in Dallas, Texas!
*Family First Hypnosis serves Dallas, Texas and Surrounding areas like Plano, Fort Worth, Allen, Mckinney, Frisco, Addison, Richardson, Wylie, Murphy and more ith the very best hypnosis services available.
Located in the West Plano Medical Center Building
Read the Following Wonderful Feedback and Stories!
- Children
- Passing Tests
- Stop Smoking
- Weight Loss
- Relationship Issues
- Health Issues
- Fears and Apprehensions
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Anger Resolution
- Other Issues
- Presentations on Hypnosis
- Emotional Pain
From Major Market Radio to Hypnosis
After airing a weekly advice call in feature on her Radio Show Celeste Hackett (Celeste Matthews on the radio) became interested in how people make lasting changes in their lives and health. This led the much-loved announcer to the subconscious mind then to hypnosis, and then to a profession in hypnotism.
Cal Banyan's Interview with Celeste Hackett
Tell Celeste that you heard about her on the Banyan website and she'll offer you a $25.00 discount on your first session if you decide to have hypnosis sessions with her.
Mom Finds Alternative to Medicating ADD Type Issues
My son is a great kid, but experienced ADD type issues which caused problems in school with concentration, turning in assignments, and with his attitude and respect for teachers. The school was contacting me on a regular basis with complaints. I knew I had to do something. So I began to do research on the internet. I hoped to find an alternative to medicating my child and I did. I have seen a great improvement in his behavior, attitude and school work, and so has his teachers. He turns in his assignments, concentrates on the task at hand in the classroom, sits still in his seat and saves the talking with friends for after class. We are very happy with the work that Celeste has done and would suggest hypnosis as an alternative for most problems.
-Joyce C, Plano, Texas
Bed Wetting Stops for 11 year old After Only One Session
My son had a problem with bed wetting. Sleep-overs and camp seemed like an embarrassment just waiting to happen. We checked several people on-line. Celeste was quick, positive and professional in her techniques. She reinforced positive energy to my son on his level. My son has had 6 straight nights being dry and his confidence level is definitely up.
-Debbie L., Sachse, TX.
12 year Old Boy Uses Self-Hypnosis For Guitar Practice
I also helped another wonderful child recently, a 12 year old boy, to get fast at fingering on the guitar. In addition, I taught him self-hypnosis which he also uses before weight lifting class at school to motivate himself. He loves his self hypnosis and it works beautifully. It was also fun to see him grow stronger and leaner over the six weeks we worked together. -Celeste Hackett, Certified Hypnotist
Boy Really Hustles At Basketball and the Coach Loves It!
Many kids over the years have touched my heart, one recent one was a boy about 12. He played basketball and he didn't want to run the length of the court. He'd kind of mosey along because all he really wanted to do was shoot the baskets. His grand dad was one of the coaches. Boy, did grandpa get a surprise when he saw his grandson really hustling out there and having a ball at the next game. That was a fun set of sessions.
-Celeste Hackett, Certified Hypnotist
Calm Dentist Visits Now the Norm for Little Girl
Another little charmer, I'll call Renee, age 7, came into my office all dressed in pink. She was very fidgety in the dentist's chair. Every six months her mother dreaded taking her in for her teeth cleanings. I always teach kids self- hypnosis and I decided to teach her too. I never made suggestions about the dentist, because that is not what we were working on. Her mother called me a week later, ecstatic, saying how she sat right down in the dentist's chair and went completely relaxed for her teeth cleaning. Her mom said to her later, Renee What happened? You did so well! Renee proudly said, "Celeste showed me how to put my mind to sleep whenever I want to and I did!" The dentist was also very grateful!
-Celeste Hackett, Certified Hypnotist
Shy Little Girl Makes Friends
I've worked with several little girls. One such sweet, but very shy 10 year old girl was so lacking confidence that she had no friends, except her brother. Now she is the most popular girl at school. Before she wouldn't have any kids over, but now she has sleep-overs and recently went to a dance with a boy and had a great time.
-Celeste Hackett, Certified Hypnotist
Passing Tests
Court Report Student Passes Tests with Hypnosis
I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how all of my tests turned out. My school just posted the last grades yesterday. I am now on break until July 5th. Here are all of the tests that I passed in the week after our hypnosis session...
2 Q&A's at 200 words per minute
1 Literary at 180 words per minute
1 Jury Charge at 200 words per minute
I am so excited that the hypnosis worked! Thank you so much. I have been trying to pass a Q&A test for 6 months now! Now I only have to pass 1 more, and I'll move on to the last speed of 225. I have been using all of the techniques you showed me, and it is amazing how much progress I have made in school.
It is almost unheard of at my school to pass 4 tests in one week.
Thanks again!!!!
M. N. - Flowermound, Texas
Stop Smoking
Patti Whaley Of Irving, Texas Stopped Smoking After 31 Years!
Can you believe it? After 31 years! I'm having a hard time believing it myself. I didn't expect that I could get to the 3 week mark without having one cigarette. I wasn't able to accomplish that the previous three times I quit.
Of course you can use my letter and my name. If it helps just one person then it will be a success. I've read other testimonials and just half-heartedly believed them. I hope anyone that reads mine will take it to heart and believe that they can absolutely do it!
Remember the first day we spoke on the phone? We decided that with my degree of addiction and number of years of smoking that I would need 5 to 6 sessions. I felt that I was destined to fail, destined to be a smoker. Well, here I am, not smoking, with only one session! I could tell that very evening that it was going to be easier for me I was calm and relaxed. Not afraid of becoming a non-smoker. Doesn't that sound funny? Afraid of being a non-smoker? Afraid of a life without cigarettes.
I have to say, that I haven't listened to the CD entirely and have only practiced the "taps" a few times. Kudo's to YOU that I haven't felt the NEED to do that! I'm really quite amazed!
Celeste, thank you for helping me become a non-smoker and making my life longer and healthier and better and happier! My family and friends are grateful and are proud of my accomplishment. They tell me every day!
-Patti Whaley, Irving, Texas
Woman Quits Smoking and Leaves the Past Behind
I was pretty unhappy before hypnosis. I wanted to stop smoking, but couldn't do it by myself. My daughter pleaded with me to stop and my husband didn't like it either Also, my energy level was at an all time low. I couldn't even play ball with the kids like I wanted to because more and more I was out of breath.
After doing a bit of searching, I found Family First Hypnosis on the internet and decided to give it a try even though it meant driving all the way to Dallas to do it. Celeste put me at ease right away and said I was a great subject. She also said that she thought I could stop right away and I did! I can't believe how easy it was. Most of the time I don't even think about cigarettes and when I do I do the tapping or the deep breathing exercise she showed me and the cravings just subside!
It's great being back in control of my life, my health and it's wonderful to leave the past as a smoker behind. I'm already feeling better, breathing better and the best part is I feel so proud of myself for finally doing it once and for all. I can say confidently, I am now non-smoker for the rest of my life!
Please let me know if you approve of this as soon as you can so I can get it on my website. Thank you so very much and keep being a non-smoker!
-D. M.- Hugo Texas
Client Stops Smoking in One Session
I am very happy being a non-smoker! I told everyone how I quit immediately with my very first session. I've also continued to share the details of my experience with friends and family to help clear up the common myths they too had heard about hypnosis; I had always been against it and said I could never be hypnotized because, the only thing I knew about it that turned out to be accurate, was that you had to be willing. After spending about 20 minutes talking to you (the hypnotist) and watching the short DVD, my fears were gone and I was ready and willing to do exactly what I came there to do...QUIT SMOKING! I told the people I knew that were considering hypnosis to quit, that the key was to go in knowing without a doubt that they would leave there a non-smoker...and I thank you for sharing that with me, I know that's why I was successful...and it was really the most relaxing thing I've done in my life that didn't involve a massage! Thank you Celeste!
-P. M - Plano, Texas
Clients Can Also Use the Cut Back Method
I also help clients cut back on cigarette smoking over time. These clients are usually my "Hard Core Smokers". Just recently, a client who visited me for stop smoking, quit smoking over 6 sessions. Once she got back to one a day she realized she wasn't addicted anymore and she just stopped. Her smoking was used as a distraction from bad feelings such as stress and boredom. These smokers need something to do when a craving strikes in between sessions, and I give them plenty of options. Almost all of them love the "deep breath" technique for causing urges to subside. It really works!
-Celeste Hackett,CH
Weight Loss
Client Achieves Weight Loss Goals
Throughout my sessions with Celeste I was able to achieve every goal that I had initially set out to achieve, including exercising on a daily basis, eating healthier and eating less, and being happy with my self-image. As well, I have so far lost 15 of the 40 pounds I am intending to lose; the difference this time as opposed to other times I have lost weight--I do not feel rushed to lose it and I have been losing it at a healthy, gradual pace. I have gained a new air of confidence and self-acceptance while working with her. Celeste's methods are easy and they WORK. I can honestly say that this is the happiest I have ever been with not only my life, but with myself.
-Madison Davis, Carrollton, TX
Weight Loss Client Enjoys Feeling of Fullness and More
I recently completed 5 sessions with Celeste for weight loss. I am a 46 year old male and had been unable to lose unwanted pounds even though I exercise heavily and eat healthy. I did not want to give up going out with friends and family, drinking moderately and eating foods I enjoy (part of enjoying life). Before selecting Celeste as my hypnotist, I spoke to her on the phone and was impressed with her holistic view of weight loss and that she took time to listen and explain what she could help me with.
During our first session, when she learned that I already exercised and ate mostly low carb, healthy food, She offered to refund my money since she wasn't sure she could help me. I convinced her to give me a try anyway.
During our 5 sessions, Celeste modified my subconscious to have a desire to eat slower and to create a feeling of fullness after I had eaten one plate of food. Amazing....it worked. I now eat a reasonable amount of food and then I am full until the next meal...no snacking, no eating a second plate of food. No feeling of deprivation. I still eat anything I want , occasionally drink a beer or glass of wine....just not nearly as much as in the past. I have been losing about a half a pound/week since starting with Celeste.
Celeste is a great listener and tailors the program to what works for you. She is very interactive and has a nice soothing demeanor that puts you at ease. I found it easy to talk to her about personal details.
I highly recommend Hypnotism and Celeste for weight loss and perhaps other things we would like to change about ourselves (stop smoking, anger management, relationship problems, etc.)
Ed Suder
February 2007
Client Loses Weight and Feels Better Than Ever
I've tried just about everything diet wise. I'm about 60 - 70 lbs overweight and 45 years old. Nothing has worked for me. I craved chocolate so much that I always failed. Sometimes I'd eat lots of junk food and not even realize I had done it, then have horrible guilty feelings. Also, I didn't exercise much only a little here and there.
I hated how bad I looked, and the poor health (that was making it difficult for me to do very much) just made me eat some more. I got to the point where I needed to make a MIND change and I needed to figure out WHY I was binging and eating too much and why I have a poor self image I looked around extensively online to find a hypnotist for weight loss. I listened to Celeste's voice at Family First Hypnosis online and liked what I heard, so I called her up. Immediately, I fell in love with her voice and professionalism and decided she'd be the one for me.
I hope that words can express how deeply this hypnosis has helped me. I didn't know what to expect. I knew I could relax, but wondered if I could actually be hypnotized. I was pleasantly surprised that it was very easy. Celeste helped me realize why I was overeating and binging. She took me back to times in my life and some were painful, but some were happy too. It wasn't all fun and games, but I'm feeling better about myself than I have in a long time...no...I'm feeling better about myself than I EVER HAVE.
I feel fuller longer. I no longer crave the chocolate as much and I know when to STOP eating! I crave good foods like fruits & veggies. I exercise too, and enjoy it! What a great feeling!
After 5 weeks of coming to Family First Hypnosis I was skeptical about getting on the scales. I knew my clothes were fitting better, but I'm sure I was protecting myself in case I hadn't shed very many pounds. The curiosity got the best of me and I have 10 pounds GONE! WOW! I can do this. I can get rid of many more. I KNOW THIS WORKS!
I feel so motivated! I love the Weight Loss CD and will continue to listen to it a couple times a week now that I'm done with my sessions. I can't thank you enough for what you and I have done for me!
-Thanks, Ruthie D. -Allen, TX
Client Loses Weight and Gets Back into the Game of Life
I lost my focus after major change - was content to observe life instead of participating -put myself second to others need - needed to get the energy to reinvent myself for the next stage in life.
As a Registered Nurse, I understand the mind, body connection and choose to not turn to drugs or surgery for weight loss, insomnia, compulsive behaviors-nail biting.
The time spent in a quiet reflective space with a person of warm compassionate listening skills…best time of the week to recharge and put myself first. Learning Methods by which to relax, focus and state what the problems are was in valuable.
Change takes time - but by using the exercises - I have improved my sleep routine - stopped biting my nails - because I am less stressed. Completed projects that had lain undone and my outlook is brighter because I took the time to examine what to do next.
-Harriet Wetherell, Plano, Texas
Overweight Children, Teens and Adults Can benefit from Hypnosis
Since I opened Family First Hypnosis on January 01, 2006 I have not had many calls for weight loss and would like to get more! I am eager to have the same success with weight loss I had in Houston, TX while working with a national hypnosis organization. I am ready to put my expertise to work for the moderately over weight and the very overweight adult. I would also very much like to work with overweight teens and children that suffer obesity. I've helped many clients reach their goals in this area!
-Celeste Hackett,CH
Relationship Issues
My husband and I had been happily married for several years but began having problems that eventually resulted in betrayal. We made the decision to try to work things out and felt that our love for each other was still strong. However, my anger with him did not seem to subside no matter what I tried and my self esteem suffered as well. I tried counseling, read many books, attended a support group, talked to family and friends but could never seem to fully let go and get on the path to recovery. A lady in my support group recommended Family First Hypnosis and I decided to give it a try.
I can truly say that it has been the most effective process that I have tried in getting over my hurt and anger from the betrayal. My self esteem and personal strength has returned and I feel more confident in moving forward with my life no matter what the future holds. The hypnosis sessions also helped me in getting past some old hurts and wounds from my childhood. I also liked the fact that the 7th Path hypnosis allowed me to include my spiritual beliefs in the process. I strongly recommend Family First Hypnosis to any one who is going through emotional turmoil in their life.
H.M. Rowlett, TX
Wife Gets OVER Anger and Saves Marriage
My husband broke trust in our relationship with an issue at church and even though he was really trying to be a better partner, I couldn't forget what he had done and I couldn't stop feeling angry! I knew I needed to move on if I wanted to stay married, but didn't know how to let go and put everything behind me.
Angry memories flooded me and I found myself researching divorce lawyers weekly. But then, I'd look at my son. He was only two years old, and I didn't want him to be a product of a broken marriage. So, I agreed to see a marriage counselor and I began seeing a counselor of my own for my anger issue.
I knew I had to do something differently when, upon noticing my anger one day, my counselor told me I should consider medication! I was seeing her for anger management and she wanted to medicate me instead of dealing with the emotions I had. Right then I decided to research other things I could do and that's when I found Family First Hypnosis.
Boy, was I surprised when the Hypnotist told me to expect to have resolve within a few sessions. And that is exactly what happened. She easily obtained a referral from my counselor and then went right to work. Instead of tiptoeing around my anger, she met it head-on by helping me assess things that have made me mad in the past.
As a result, I could not be happier or more at ease now! I am more confident that my husband actually now has good intentions, I understand and accept him better, I like him more, I feel safer with him, and I am more patient and compassionate towards him. I knew I was making changes, but even he has noticed and told me so, which feels really good.
Now, finally, I can think about what happened and feel calm about it and know it is in the past. Celeste at Family First Hypnosis helped me understand that even the low points in life can have positive results and I can learn from my emotions. Best of all, we are going back to church as a family, something I didn't think we would ever do again.
Thank you Family First Hypnosis for saving my marriage!
-L.M.D., Dallas, TX
Health Issues
Breast Lump Heals Spontaneously
Susan went to Celeste for hypnosis after finding a lump in her breast. She had begun a new job and thought the timing could not have been worse for something like this. Susan was scheduled for a biopsy and was pleased that she was actually at peace about what the prognosis might be, but still wanted to continue to feel confident and make sure she did everything possible using her mind to stack things on her side. "As with most sessions I go in with a plan as to what I am going to say based on the desired outcome, but often other "ideas" come to me. I firmly believe that a higher benevolent power nudges me and supplies me with the right words as needed. Something told me to make sure that I use the words "spontaneous healing" so I did several times. I also used a powerful process called Cell Command, speaking not only to her breast cells themselves but also her immune system and her endocrine system.
About six weeks later a phone call revealed that Susan had listened to her CD every day, and also repeated affirmations Celeste gave her. When she went to the doctor he asked her where the lump was supposed to be. It had "spontaneously healed!" Susan and her family couldn't be happier.
-Taken from a Press Release
Fears and Apprehensions
Client Overcomes Life-long Anxiety
I began working with Celeste to alleviate overwhelming feelings of anxiety which had plagued me for years. Having been to medical doctors, psychiatrists, counselors and other specialists, I was at a loss as to how to heal myself. This had been going on for years and their various treatment plans were unsuccessful and ultimately, I felt more anxious at each failed attempt.
My anxiety would often turn to panic and began to manifest as physical pain in my chest. Each episode would result in a trip to the emergency room only to be told there was nothing wrong with my heart - it was just a symptom of my anxiety. I was prescribed a plethora of medications to treat my anxiety and depression. These medications just made a zombie out of me and rather than deal with the causes only temporarily alleviated the symptoms. I was an emotional wreck, crying all the time, feeling sorry for myself and unable to stop that constant feeling of dread and anxiousness. I had become adept at keeping everything inside and carrying around all that emotional baggage was taking its toll on my body and soul.
Thankfully, divine intervention led me to Celeste! I truly believe she saved me from a life of pain and misery. The first session we had, she took me down two paths. The one I was on was dark, sad and depressing and the thought of staying on that path was more than I could bear. The other path brought such happiness into my heart I knew that no matter what I had to get there.
My work with Celeste was not an easy journey. In fact, the time I spent in her office was often very emotional and possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. It is difficult to explain the process of learning to trust someone enough to tell them your secrets or to let them see into your soul. But, my pain was bigger than my fear and I soon learned that Celeste would always be right beside me, helping me each step of the way. I knew she was there to help me....I knew she wanted me to succeed.
Each session always brought surprises and insights. I learned to trust that my subconscious mind would take us where we needed to go. Through this work,I have healed the wounds from the past that were keeping me stuck in old belief patterns. I have learned to believe that nothing bad is going to happen and whatever happens, I can handle.
It has been about a month since my last session with Celeste and the healing continues. I wake up every day feeling happy and ready to enjoy whatever life brings. The best thing that Celeste has done for me is re-introducing me to my higher power – my God. Celeste taught me the 7-path method of meditation that is introduced during hypnosis. Wow! What an immediate impact this had on me.
There was a shift that occurred in me that I can only explain as "spirit". It was like a window opened and a breath of fresh air circulated throughout my body. I now have a tool that allows me to connect to my higher self, to a new found spirituality that's been missing from my life for a long time. This method helps me to rid myself of the negative and replace it with positive affirmations that have transformed my life.
My words cannot begin to explain everything that Celeste has done for me. I only know that I would recommend her to anyone for any problem. Trust me; she can help you change your life.
Thank you, Celeste. You helped me regain a connection with the true Source of love and joy. My soul rejoices and my heart will be forever grateful to you.
Terri K, Celina, Texas
NO More Fear at the Dentist
Dental appointments filled me with an almost paralyzing dread. So much so, that I had avoided the dentist for more years than I"d like to admit. When I recently lost a filling, I had no choice, but I knew too that my fears had only intensified with the long absence, and I would need some help. I first considered sedation dentistry, but decided that was not for me either. Earlier this year I had run into an old friend who had obviously lost weight and looked terrific. When asked, she indicated that she had tried hypno-therapy and it worked wonders for her. In my desperation, I decided to give it a try. Finding Celeste was pure luck, but truly one of the better chance happenings of my life, for with her guidance and understanding I have successfully made it through 2 dental appointments. More importantly, for the most recent appointment I had no fear or anxiety at all.
I would very much recommend at least considering hypno-therapy if you have similar dreads, and Celeste was a joy to work with.
-L.F. Dallas, Texas
Client Gets Over New Job Anxiety in one Session
For a lot of clients, like Debra Hartman, of Houston, it feels like magic. "I was starting a new job in a part of my field I hadn't worked in before and was scared to death. Celeste was not only a good listener she also knew just what to say and how to say it. It was amazing.""After inducing Debra into hypnosis, the former radio entertainer turned hypnotist began suggesting self-confidence, self-reliance and self-power to her. She also had her visualize a perfect first day where she dressed sharply; spoke confidently and quickly learned what she needed to. The hypnosis did everything she had hoped for. According to Hartman, she has become so valuable that her boss just gave her flowers on her first year anniversary with the company.
-Taken from a press release
Drugs and Alcohol Habits
Hypnosis Works for Drug and Alcohol Habits
If you would like to regain self-control consider hypnosis. I have had positive experiences in both of these areas. Results often begin from the very first session. If you are diagnosed as "chemically dependent" allow me to obtain a referral from your care-giver so that I may assist you. Hypnosis procedure in these areas is very similar to that of stop smoking and weight loss and, yes, they really work.
-Celeste Hackett, CH
Anger Resolution
Wife Gets OVER Anger and Saves Marriage
My husband broke trust in our relationship with an issue at church and even though he was really trying to be a better partner, I couldn't forget what he had done and I couldn't stop feeling angry! I knew I needed to move on if I wanted to stay married, but didn't know how to let go and put everything behind me.
Angry memories flooded me and I found myself researching divorce lawyers weekly. But then, I'd look at my son. He was only two years old, and I didn't want him to be a product of a broken marriage. So, I agreed to see a marriage counselor and I began seeing a counselor of my own for my anger issue.
I knew I had to do something differently when, upon noticing my anger one day, my counselor told me I should consider medication! I was seeing her for anger management and she wanted to medicate me instead of dealing with the emotions I had. Right then I decided to research other things I could do and that's when I found Family First Hypnosis.
Boy, was I surprised when the Hypnotist told me to expect to have resolve within a few sessions. And that is exactly what happened. She easily obtained a referral from my counselor and then went right to work. Instead of tiptoeing around my anger, she met it head-on by helping me assess things that have made me mad in the past.
As a result, I could not be happier or more at ease now! I am more confident that my husband actually now has good intentions, I understand and accept him better, I like him more, I feel safer with him, and I am more patient and compassionate towards him. I knew I was making changes, but even he has noticed and told me so, which feels really good.
Now, finally, I can think about what happened and feel calm about it and know it is in the past. Celeste at Family First Hypnosis helped me understand that even the low points in life can have positive results and I can learn from my emotions. Best of all, we are going back to church as a family, something I didn't think we would ever do again.
Thank you Family First Hypnosis for saving my marriage!
-L.M.D., Dallas, TX
Other Issues
Hypnosis Used Successfully To Change Lives Quickly
I've used my skills, with great success, to increase the appetite when someone is not eating, to speed healing after surgeries, to cure or relieve depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, female reproductive problems, IBS, stress, sinus infections, allergies, warts, skin problems, nausea, bed wetting, anger, soda pop addiction, alcohol and drug addiction, grief, Post trauma, to increase energy, migraines, Insomnia, nail biting, jet lag, and of course, for stop smoking and for weight loss. What ever your issue is, I'm pretty sure I can help you too. Give me a call or visit my website today to find out more about hypnosis and the issues I work with: www.familyfirsthypnosis.com.
-Celeste Hackett, Certified Hypnotist
Presentations on Hypnosis
Thank you so much for coming. My students found your presentation fun and informative, and they learned information about hypnosis they didn't previously know. Thank you! We can't wait to have you back.
-Jennifer Bost, Advance Placement Psychology Teacher
Emotional Pain
I wanted to thank you for everything you have helped me with in our sessions. My life has come such a long way from when I first began working with you. I am so glad I found you that day, my life was in a downward spiral and I didn't know where else to turn. I prayed for answers to resolve the horrible things I was going through in my marriage and the inner turmoil I was dealing with everyday, the heartache was far too much for me to handle alone, and for the best interest of my children I had to do something. I knew inevitably my husband would move on, so I needed to work on myself and better my life for me and my children so I wouldn't be a single mom without a clue in the world.
From the our first session I began to grow into a strong independent woman, I started to discover how great I really am and beautiful I am, and for once it felt really nice. I was finally proud to be me! I also grew each day into the "new me" and watched my life become exactly what I had always dreamed of.
I remember the first time I sought council I was put on medication for "anxiety/depression", which angered me because I just wanted to deal with the REAL problem and move on, not be on medication for the rest of my life!
I would still feel the pain inside each day knowing unless I sought out a better form of resolve, I would eventually just end my life or fall into a rut of further depression.
Then, I found your website and at first I was highly skeptical and even laughed at the idea. I researched rates for psychologists and they generally ranged $200+/hr!!
I went back to your site and read a story of a lady who went through something very similar to me and also the same emotionally break down as I was going through and her success with you inspired me to give it a try....
When we discussed everything on the phone I couldn't believe how great your rates were and that it would only take 5 sessions!! I figured that it was worth the effort, and if nothing came of it at least it wasn't years worth of wasted therapy and tons of money down the drain. Especially with us having such a tight budget, this was such a great deal for me and it really did save not only my life, but my mind!
After my first session with you I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my life would be different forever and that this time it would stay that way. Each session was extremely helpful in me getting to know who I really am, what I really wanted for my life, and to become more focused on the things I was working toward already.
I went into this with a lot of anger, depression, suicidal mindsets, hurt, hopelessness, confusion, loneliness, well there was a complete mess inside me to say the least, but I am a completely different person today!
I am now at my month marker after our sessions, and I could have never imagined my life going any better! I am so happy, I'm beautiful and strong, my business is going so amazing, my work is fabulous, my head is clear, I know exactly who I am and where my life is headed, I'm ready for everything life has to offer me and any obstacle to overcome. There was a slight twist in my original plan, I thought my marriage would work out, but instead I had the strength to walk away when my husband had his second affair. Since we have spent the last year trying to figure out whether we should be together or not, so when we decided to get a divorce my happiness came knocking on the door and I was completely ready for it! I got back together with an old love of mine (who had also done a lot of growing up in the last 8 years), and I couldn't ask for a better relationship - he is truly everything I ever dreamed of in a life partner!! We will be getting married in a year or two to give us some time to save up for our wedding and honey moon. Celeste, I really never thought I would ever want to get married again or be seriously involved with any one because of everything I went through in my marriage before, but he is just so great!
Besides my relationship with him, I have become so independent from the people that I felt held me back before, that I can finally breathe again. I am living my life for me and for the best interest of my children and it couldn't be better!
Thanks so much for everything you have been a true Godsend to me.
I have sent many referrals your direction, and there is also a couple of other things I would like to come in to do work on in different areas of my life.
I look forward to complete life makeover this year and I am just amazed at how much as changed.
Love always,
-Deserea M.
For More Information Call Family First Hypnosis At: 972-673-0110
Hypnotic Influences
Celeste has studied under some of the most influential modern day hypnotists in the United States such as Calvin Banyan, Founder of 5-PATH®, Banyan Hypnosis Center, Mounds View, MN, Gerald Kein, Omni Hypnosis Institute, Deland, FL, Ed and Cheryl Martin, The Path Foundation, Houston Texas, and Marie Mongan of The HypnoBirthing Institute.
Tell Celeste that you heard about her on the Banyan website and she'll offer you a $25.00 discount on your first session if you decide to have hypnosis sessions with her.
Serving Plano, Fort Worth, Dallas Texas and Surrounding Areas
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Available

This hypnotist is a fully trained and certified 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher. 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is a revolutionarymind-body-spirit approach to doing self-hypnosis that surpasses any previous kind of self-hypnosis available.
To learn more about 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® visit this self-hypnosis information page.
Additional Information about Training and Certification
This hypnotist has received hypnosis training at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. For more information about hypnosis certification please call our office, 469-969-2176 or 800-965-3390. More hypnosis training information is available on this site.